Brand Strategy Services

Intentional strategy and design offerings for purpose-driven creatives seeking to make impact and show up as their most beautiful, authentic selves.

We’re the architects for your brand home, here to unearth your purpose, set strong foundations, and build your business with the best structures for success

01 / your brand as home

Central hearth at The Martin House by Frank Lloyd Wright, 1905

Like a cozy, wood-burning hearth, you have a powerful purpose behind your business that deserves to shine bright.

You might just not know it yet. Or maybe you do, but you have no idea how to share it with the world in a big and bold way. Or, perhaps: you are sharing it with the world but could use a little help along your journey.

Whatever the fears, frustrations or pain points on your creative business journey, our goal is to draft the blueprints and help you discover the innate place of honest expression that resides within you and your brand home. From there, we can build the right framework for confidence and clarity to have your dwelling standing sturdy and have its fireplace burning hot.


When building a home, we start from the ground up. But before the construction can commence, we need to excavate to lay down a strong foundation. This is the Expression, the unearthing of your purpose, values, and positioning and the base of your future brand identity. Without a resilient, stable footing, your home (and dear brand accordingly) won’t be equipped for any future build-outs, whether that be design or marketing efforts.

  • Brand Expression Questionnaire
    2.5 hr Brand Excavation Call
    Final Brand Expression Booklet

    - Your Positioning (Verbal & Visual Diagrams)
    - Your Target Audience
    - Your Competitor Analysis
    - Your Differentiating Factors
    - Your Solutions
    - Your Style
    - Your Voice

  • For any new, emerging, or established creative without a clear blueprint to guide their offerings, services or products — who are seeking clarity around their purpose, connecting with their ideal audience, standing apart from their competitors, and positioning themselves with certainty in their industry.

  • 3 weeks

  • Brand Expression: $3000
    Add Messaging: $1500

    Messaging Includes:
    - Purpose, Mission, Vision Statements
    - Brand Values
    - Brand Pillars
    - Differentiating Factors
    - Brand Voice

The framing gives your home its rigidity and provides support for your building’s details like doors, windows, and floors. Your visual brand identity is likened to the framing of a house, except for your business. With the right guidance and expertise, we’ll work together to craft a cohesive, consistent, and beautiful brand structure unique to your special home that will stand resiliently to support all of its future finishes.

  • Brand Expression Questionnaire
    Creative Direction
    Brand Moodboard
    Primary Logo
    Secondary Logo
    Brand Stamps / Marks
    Color Palette
    Typography Guidelines
    Brand Blueprint Booklet

    Included In The Forever Home (Comprehensive Package):
    2.5 hr Brand Excavation Call
    Brand Expression / Positioning
    Stationery Design (Business Card & Letterhead)
    Social Media & Website Mockups
    Comprehensive Brand Blueprint Booklet

  • For The Tiny House (Basic Branding)
    For the new or emerging creative seeking a quick-turn identity or the start-up brand on a budget, this option yields a beautiful and cohesive visual direction to leave you confident to share your offerings with clarity and consistency in your space. 

    The Forever Home (Comprehensive Branding)
    For the emerging or established creative looking for solid stability and guaranteed growth in their industry, this option includes the Foundational Brand Expression, unearthing the deeper-rooted story behind your brand and setting resilient ground for an intentional brand identity to emerge. Final deliverables also include creative direction for print, social and website assets, as well as a comprehensive Brand Blueprint Booklet, leaving you with a wholly integrative package and unshakable confidence amongst competitors.

  • The Tiny House (Basic Branding): 4-6 weeks
    The Forever Home (Comprehensive Branding): 8-10 weeks

  • The Tiny House (Basic Branding): $3000
    The Forever Home (Comprehensive Branding): $8000+

Your home’s finishes are the elements that represent your brand and what your audience sees and interacts with. It’s critical that these finishes have a cohesive style (even if your style is eclectic). Our studio has capabilities to help you see your finishes through with social media, web, print and digital design efforts like email marketing.

  • Scope and deliverables vary depending on project. Please inquire.

  • For any new, emerging or established creative with an existing brand identity seeking consistency among their brand touch points, desiring to grow their reach, or needing creative support in a specific area of their business.

  • Timelines vary depending on scope of project. For website design and development, please anticipate a 12-week minimum

  • Please inquire

03 / our values

04 / our clientele

Calling All Women-Founded / Purpose-Driven / Creative Entrepreneurs

Designer. Artist. Coach. Consultant. Whatever the title, there’s a creative spirit at your core fueling your passions and desires for impact. Whether those desires are side-hustles, in early stages of growth, or have already come to fruition through your business, our studio is here to support you through any fears, frustrations, or stagnations that could be getting in your way. From brand ideation and early direction for aspiring creatives who have yet to launch their businesses, to established enterprises in need of extra assistance, we work with purpose-driven women across design, health & wellness and self-development spaces in all business journey stages.

  • You have a burning desire on your heart to finally bring that personal, private, but oh-so-powerful and full-of-deep-potential business idea to life but have no idea how or where to start. You’ve either just taken the leap to begin your entrepreneurship journey or you may still be juggling your full-time job. Despite any fears, uncertainties or doubts, you hold true to your creative vision, whole-heartedly knowing that your ambitions are powerful and SO worthy of expression. You are seeking the foundational support, strategy and guidance to get you set up for success.

  • You are in the early stages of growth. You have your business running (yay!), but haven’t given much thought to your actual brand. You’ve been wearing all the hats (designer, coach, marketer, accountant, social media manager) and have been pouring your heart into your clients (they are keeping your business running after all!) In turn, your personal visuals, positioning and messaging have been neglected. You’re craving more consistency to help you feel “established” and a strong identity that accurately reflects the powerful purpose you are sharing with the world.

  • You’ve been in the game for a while with your business having proven success and your audience growing and engaged. You know your purpose, your people, and your impact and it’s time for bigger growth. It could be a while since you’ve looked at all of your brand touch points and they could use some refinement. Or maybe you’ve outgrown your original identity and are ready for change. You’ve been dreaming into novelty and expansion and the prospect of a rebrand excites you deeply.


Farnsworth House by Mies van der Rohe, Plano, Illinois, 1951

Farnsworth House by Mies van der Rohe, Plano, Illinois, 1951

Our unique design approach considers the three-dimensional and sensorial qualities of your brand, just like the experience of a beautiful, physical space.

We’re former architects in a past, corporate life (📐👋) and believe successful design should engage the whole body and senses to offer more enriching and memorable experiences. (Yes, that’s all the senses — sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste too!) Just because your business is online and in the digital realm, doesn’t mean it’s limited to embodying these tangible qualities. When you trust us to be the architects of your 2D brand, we’ll deliver a 3D experience that will leave deeper impressions on your audience (with some feels too).

06 / our why

Brand Strategy Services

We see you on your creative business journey, because we’ve been through our own.

3 rebrands. $40K+ coaching investments. Countless workshops, classes, tutorials, and how-to’s. We’ve faced the burnouts, rock bottoms and recurring blocks in life and business, all of which ultimately seemed to bring us back to the same place — our purpose and core why. And then it finally clicked for us — we realized that when we strayed from our purpose, our business began to to subsequently stray from us. So we buckled down, laid fresh foundations and started the journey of rebuilding home within ourselves. Now we’re committed to helping other purpose-driven humans do the same through our deeply heart-felt and intentional approach to design.

07 / our wORK

We’ve had the pleasure of collaborating with some incredible purpose-driven creatives with deeply intentional missions on their hearts.

08 / Kind Words

work with us

Your creative purpose deserves to shine so bright. Get in touch with our studio. We can’t wait to connect with you.