Join Us For a FREE personal branding workshop

The HomeComing Masterclass

Tuesday, August 27th 12pm EST

Reconnect with your story, reclaim your truth and learn how to imbue more of your inherent Self in your personal brand.

You can’t craft a personal brand without getting personal, first.

Are you ready to build your most resilient personal brand yet?

The most successful and resilient brands are those that rest on strong foundations. Just like when constructing a home, a personal brand needs a deep-rooted base on which to build upon. And this base begins with YOU — your unique background, your special stories, your heart-centered ambitions and burning desires on your soul.

What if you allowed yourself to come back home to all that you inherently are? To own all of the parts and pieces of your personal story? To celebrate your unique expression in this world? Coming back home to ourselves means connecting with what is already inside of us, taking ownership of it all, and sharing our purpose with the collective at large through our personal brand and expression.

Join us Tuesday, August 27th 12pm EST for The HomeComing Workshop — a FREE 1-hr Live Masterclass experience, where you will connect deeper with the inherent parts and pieces of you, understand how to integrate them more truthfully in your personal brand and leave empowered to share your purpose with more confidence and clarity.

Meet Your Brand Architects

We’ve found our way back to home after years of soul searching, setting the proper foundations to support our personal Selves through our personal brands.

Now, we want to help you do the same.

Ewelina Olechowska

Former Architect Turned Brand Strategist & Designer, Polish Immigrant, World Traveler, Ever-Curious Soul & Homebody

Jaymie Gerena

Life Strategist, Speaker, Mom of 3, Hypnotherapist, Trauma Support Specialist, MER Therapy Master Practitioner

This workshop is for anyone who :

✨ Currently has or is dreaming into starting a personal business venture
✨ Considers themselves multi-passionate but struggles with embracing all of their parts, interests and pursuits
✨ Feels disconnected from their story or purpose in this season of life
✨ Is unsure how to position or speak about themselves (who they are, what they do, etc)
✨ Desires to be seen more online and deepen their impact through their work

you will walk away with:

✨ A deeper connection to your inherent Self
✨ Clarity around the various parts and pieces of you that you may have disconnected from over the years
✨ A compass for how to strengthen your personal brand and imbue more of your story into all that you do
✨ An empowered perspective for how to show up with more ownership and authority sharing your gifts in the world

It’s time to come back home to your most inherent Self

The HomeComing Workshop goes LIVE Tuesday, August 27th 2024 at 12pm EST. We would love to have you join us! Sign up below 🥳